🤔Opciones configuration.yml

Archivo configuración.

Este archivo es para que puedas ver las diferentes opciones y que hace cada una.

# yamllint disable rule:comments-indentation
#                           Authelia Configuration                            #

## Note: the container by default expects to find this file at /config/configuration.yml.

## Certificates directory specifies where Authelia will load trusted certificates (public portion) from in addition to
## the system certificates store.
## They should be in base64 format, and have one of the following extensions: *.cer, *.crt, *.pem.
# certificates_directory: /config/certificates/

## The theme to display: light, dark, grey, auto.
theme: light

## The secret used to generate JWT tokens when validating user identity by email confirmation. JWT Secret can also be
## set using a secret: https://www.authelia.com/c/secrets
jwt_secret: a_very_important_secret

## Default redirection URL
## If user tries to authenticate without any referer, Authelia does not know where to redirect the user to at the end
## of the authentication process. This parameter allows you to specify the default redirection URL Authelia will use
## in such a case.
## Note: this parameter is optional. If not provided, user won't be redirected upon successful authentication.
default_redirection_url: https://home.example.com/

## Set the default 2FA method for new users and for when a user has a preferred method configured that has been
## disabled. This setting must be a method that is enabled.
## Options are totp, webauthn, mobile_push.
default_2fa_method: ""

## Server Configuration

  ## The address to listen on.

  ## The port to listen on.
  port: 9091

  ## Set the single level path Authelia listens on.
  ## Must be alphanumeric chars and should not contain any slashes.
  path: ""

  ## Set the path on disk to Authelia assets.
  ## Useful to allow overriding of specific static assets.
  # asset_path: /config/assets/

  ## Enables the pprof endpoint.
  enable_pprof: false

  ## Enables the expvars endpoint.
  enable_expvars: false

  ## Disables writing the health check vars to /app/.healthcheck.env which makes healthcheck.sh return exit code 0.
  ## This is disabled by default if either /app/.healthcheck.env or /app/healthcheck.sh do not exist.
  disable_healthcheck: false

  ## Authelia by default doesn't accept TLS communication on the server port. This section overrides this behaviour.
    ## The path to the DER base64/PEM format private key.
    key: ""

    ## The path to the DER base64/PEM format public certificate.
    certificate: ""

    ## The list of certificates for client authentication.
    client_certificates: []

  ## Server headers configuration/customization.

    ## The CSP Template. Read the docs.
    csp_template: ""

  ## Server Buffers configuration.
  # buffers:

    ## Buffers usually should be configured to be the same value.
    ## Explanation at https://www.authelia.com/c/server#buffer-sizes
    ## Read buffer size adjusts the server's max incoming request size in bytes.
    ## Write buffer size does the same for outgoing responses.

    ## Read buffer.
    # read: 4096

    ## Write buffer.
    # write: 4096

  ## Server Timeouts configuration.
  # timeouts:

    ## Read timeout.
    # read: 2s

    ## Write timeout.
    # write: 2s

    ## Idle timeout.
    # idle: 30s

## Log Configuration
  ## Level of verbosity for logs: info, debug, trace.
  level: debug

  ## Format the logs are written as: json, text.
  # format: json

  ## File path where the logs will be written. If not set logs are written to stdout.
  # file_path: /config/authelia.log

  ## Whether to also log to stdout when a log_file_path is defined.
  # keep_stdout: false

## Telemetry Configuration

  ## Metrics Configuration
    ## Enable Metrics.
    enabled: false

    ## The address to listen on for metrics. This should be on a different port to the main server.port value.
    address: tcp://

    ## Metrics Server Buffers configuration.
    # buffers:

      ## Read buffer.
      # read: 4096

      ## Write buffer.
      # write: 4096

    ## Metrics Server Timeouts configuration.
    # timeouts:

      ## Read timeout.
      # read: 2s

      ## Write timeout.
      # write: 2s

      ## Idle timeout.
      # idle: 30s

## TOTP Configuration
## Parameters used for TOTP generation.
  ## Disable TOTP.
  disable: false

  ## The issuer name displayed in the Authenticator application of your choice.
  issuer: authelia.com

  ## The TOTP algorithm to use.
  ## It is CRITICAL you read the documentation before changing this option:
  ## https://www.authelia.com/c/totp#algorithm
  algorithm: sha1

  ## The number of digits a user has to input. Must either be 6 or 8.
  ## Changing this option only affects newly generated TOTP configurations.
  ## It is CRITICAL you read the documentation before changing this option:
  ## https://www.authelia.com/c/totp#digits
  digits: 6

  ## The period in seconds a one-time password is valid for.
  ## Changing this option only affects newly generated TOTP configurations.
  period: 30

  ## The skew controls number of one-time passwords either side of the current one that are valid.
  ## Warning: before changing skew read the docs link below.
  skew: 1
  ## See: https://www.authelia.com/c/totp#input-validation to read
  ## the documentation.

  ## The size of the generated shared secrets. Default is 32 and is sufficient in most use cases, minimum is 20.
  secret_size: 32

## WebAuthn Configuration
## Parameters used for WebAuthn.
  ## Disable Webauthn.
  disable: false

  ## Adjust the interaction timeout for Webauthn dialogues.
  timeout: 60s

  ## The display name the browser should show the user for when using Webauthn to login/register.
  display_name: Authelia

  ## Conveyance preference controls if we collect the attestation statement including the AAGUID from the device.
  ## Options are none, indirect, direct.
  attestation_conveyance_preference: indirect

  ## User verification controls if the user must make a gesture or action to confirm they are present.
  ## Options are required, preferred, discouraged.
  user_verification: preferred

## Duo Push API Configuration
## Parameters used to contact the Duo API. Those are generated when you protect an application of type
## "Partner Auth API" in the management panel.
  disable: false
  hostname: api-123456789.example.com
  integration_key: ABCDEF
  ## Secret can also be set using a secret: https://www.authelia.com/c/secrets
  secret_key: 1234567890abcdefghifjkl
  enable_self_enrollment: false

## NTP Configuration
## This is used to validate the servers time is accurate enough to validate TOTP.
  ## NTP server address.
  address: "time.cloudflare.com:123"

  ## NTP version.
  version: 4

  ## Maximum allowed time offset between the host and the NTP server.
  max_desync: 3s

  ## Disables the NTP check on startup entirely. This means Authelia will not contact a remote service at all if you
  ## set this to true, and can operate in a truly offline mode.
  disable_startup_check: false

  ## The default of false will prevent startup only if we can contact the NTP server and the time is out of sync with
  ## the NTP server more than the configured max_desync. If you set this to true, an error will be logged but startup
  ## will continue regardless of results.
  disable_failure: false

## Authentication Backend Provider Configuration
## Used for verifying user passwords and retrieve information such as email address and groups users belong to.
## The available providers are: `file`, `ldap`. You must use only one of these providers.

  ## Password Reset Options.
    ## Disable both the HTML element and the API for reset password functionality.
    disable: false

    ## External reset password url that redirects the user to an external reset portal. This disables the internal reset
    ## functionality.
    custom_url: ""

  ## The amount of time to wait before we refresh data from the authentication backend. Uses duration notation.
  ## To disable this feature set it to 'disable', this will slightly reduce security because for Authelia, users will
  ## always belong to groups they belonged to at the time of login even if they have been removed from them in LDAP.
  ## To force update on every request you can set this to '0' or 'always', this will increase processor demand.
  ## See the below documentation for more information.
  ## Duration Notation docs:  https://www.authelia.com/c/common#duration-notation-format
  ## Refresh Interval docs: https://www.authelia.com/c/1fa#refresh-interval
  refresh_interval: 5m

  ## LDAP (Authentication Provider)
  ## This is the recommended Authentication Provider in production
  ## because it allows Authelia to offload the stateful operations
  ## onto the LDAP service.
    ## The LDAP implementation, this affects elements like the attribute utilised for resetting a password.
    ## Acceptable options are as follows:
    ## - 'activedirectory' - For Microsoft Active Directory.
    ## - 'custom' - For custom specifications of attributes and filters.
    ## This currently defaults to 'custom' to maintain existing behaviour.
    ## Depending on the option here certain other values in this section have a default value, notably all of the
    ## attribute mappings have a default value that this config overrides, you can read more about these default values
    ## at https://www.authelia.com/c/ldap#defaults
    implementation: custom

    ## The url to the ldap server. Format: <scheme>://<address>[:<port>].
    ## Scheme can be ldap or ldaps in the format (port optional).
    url: ldap://

    ## The dial timeout for LDAP.
    timeout: 5s

    ## Use StartTLS with the LDAP connection.
    start_tls: false

      ## Server Name for certificate validation (in case it's not set correctly in the URL).
      # server_name: ldap.example.com

      ## Skip verifying the server certificate (to allow a self-signed certificate).
      ## In preference to setting this we strongly recommend you add the public portion of the certificate to the
      ## certificates directory which is defined by the `certificates_directory` option at the top of the config.
      skip_verify: false

      ## Minimum TLS version for either Secure LDAP or LDAP StartTLS.
      minimum_version: TLS1.2

    ## The distinguished name of the container searched for objects in the directory information tree.
    ## See also: additional_users_dn, additional_groups_dn.
    base_dn: dc=example,dc=com

    ## The attribute holding the username of the user. This attribute is used to populate the username in the session
    ## information. It was introduced due to #561 to handle case insensitive search queries. For you information,
    ## Microsoft Active Directory usually uses 'sAMAccountName' and OpenLDAP usually uses 'uid'. Beware that this
    ## attribute holds the unique identifiers for the users binding the user and the configuration stored in database.
    ## Therefore only single value attributes are allowed and the value must never be changed once attributed to a user
    ## otherwise it would break the configuration for that user. Technically, non-unique attributes like 'mail' can also
    ## be used but we don't recommend using them, we instead advise to use the attributes mentioned above
    ## (sAMAccountName and uid) to follow https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2307.txt.
    # username_attribute: uid

    ## The additional_users_dn is prefixed to base_dn and delimited by a comma when searching for users.
    ## i.e. with this set to OU=Users and base_dn set to DC=a,DC=com; OU=Users,DC=a,DC=com is searched for users.
    additional_users_dn: ou=users

    ## The users filter used in search queries to find the user profile based on input filled in login form.
    ## Various placeholders are available in the user filter which you can read about in the documentation which can
    ## be found at: https://www.authelia.com/c/ldap#users-filter-replacements
    ## Recommended settings are as follows:
    ## - Microsoft Active Directory: (&({username_attribute}={input})(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))
    ## - OpenLDAP:
    ##   - (&({username_attribute}={input})(objectClass=person))
    ##   - (&({username_attribute}={input})(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))
    ## To allow sign in both with username and email, one can use a filter like
    ## (&(|({username_attribute}={input})({mail_attribute}={input}))(objectClass=person))
    users_filter: (&({username_attribute}={input})(objectClass=person))

    ## The additional_groups_dn is prefixed to base_dn and delimited by a comma when searching for groups.
    ## i.e. with this set to OU=Groups and base_dn set to DC=a,DC=com; OU=Groups,DC=a,DC=com is searched for groups.
    additional_groups_dn: ou=groups

    ## The groups filter used in search queries to find the groups based on relevant authenticated user.
    ## Various placeholders are available in the groups filter which you can read about in the documentation which can
    ## be found at: https://www.authelia.com/c/ldap#groups-filter-replacements
    ## If your groups use the `groupOfUniqueNames` structure use this instead:
    ##    (&(uniqueMember={dn})(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames))
    groups_filter: (&(member={dn})(objectClass=groupOfNames))

    ## The attribute holding the name of the group.
    # group_name_attribute: cn

    ## The attribute holding the mail address of the user. If multiple email addresses are defined for a user, only the
    ## first one returned by the LDAP server is used.
    # mail_attribute: mail

    ## The attribute holding the display name of the user. This will be used to greet an authenticated user.
    # display_name_attribute: displayName

    ## Follow referrals returned by the server.
    ## This is especially useful for environments where read-only servers exist. Only implemented for write operations.
    permit_referrals: false

    ## The username and password of the admin user.
    user: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
    ## Password can also be set using a secret: https://www.authelia.com/c/secrets
    password: password

  ## File (Authentication Provider)
  ## With this backend, the users database is stored in a file which is updated when users reset their passwords.
  ## Therefore, this backend is meant to be used in a dev environment and not in production since it prevents Authelia
  ## to be scaled to more than one instance. The options under 'password' have sane defaults, and as it has security
  ## implications it is highly recommended you leave the default values. Before considering changing these settings
  ## please read the docs page below:
  ## https://www.authelia.com/r/passwords#tuning
  ## Important: Kubernetes (or HA) users must read https://www.authelia.com/t/statelessness
  # file:
  #   path: /config/users_database.yml
  #   password:
  #     algorithm: argon2id
  #     iterations: 1
  #     key_length: 32
  #     salt_length: 16
  #     memory: 1024
  #     parallelism: 8

## Password Policy Configuration.

  ## The standard policy allows you to tune individual settings manually.
    enabled: false

    ## Require a minimum length for passwords.
    min_length: 8

    ## Require a maximum length for passwords.
    max_length: 0

    ## Require uppercase characters.
    require_uppercase: true

    ## Require lowercase characters.
    require_lowercase: true

    ## Require numeric characters.
    require_number: true

    ## Require special characters.
    require_special: true

  ## zxcvbn is a well known and used password strength algorithm. It does not have tunable settings.
    enabled: false

    ## Configures the minimum score allowed.
    min_score: 3

## Access Control Configuration
## Access control is a list of rules defining the authorizations applied for one resource to users or group of users.
## If 'access_control' is not defined, ACL rules are disabled and the 'bypass' rule is applied, i.e., access is allowed
## to anyone. Otherwise restrictions follow the rules defined.
## Note: One can use the wildcard * to match any subdomain.
## It must stand at the beginning of the pattern. (example: *.mydomain.com)
## Note: You must put patterns containing wildcards between simple quotes for the YAML to be syntactically correct.
## Definition: A 'rule' is an object with the following keys: 'domain', 'subject', 'policy' and 'resources'.
## - 'domain' defines which domain or set of domains the rule applies to.
## - 'subject' defines the subject to apply authorizations to. This parameter is optional and matching any user if not
##    provided. If provided, the parameter represents either a user or a group. It should be of the form
##    'user:<username>' or 'group:<groupname>'.
## - 'policy' is the policy to apply to resources. It must be either 'bypass', 'one_factor', 'two_factor' or 'deny'.
## - 'resources' is a list of regular expressions that matches a set of resources to apply the policy to. This parameter
##   is optional and matches any resource if not provided.
## Note: the order of the rules is important. The first policy matching (domain, resource, subject) applies.

## Session Provider Configuration
## The session cookies identify the user once logged in.
## The available providers are: `memory`, `redis`. Memory is the provider unless redis is defined.
  ## The name of the session cookie.
  name: authelia_session

  ## The domain to protect.
  ## Note: the authenticator must also be in that domain.
  ## If empty, the cookie is restricted to the subdomain of the issuer.
  domain: example.com

  ## Sets the Cookie SameSite value. Possible options are none, lax, or strict.
  ## Please read https://www.authelia.com/c/session#same_site
  same_site: lax

  ## The secret to encrypt the session data. This is only used with Redis / Redis Sentinel.
  ## Secret can also be set using a secret: https://www.authelia.com/c/secrets
  secret: insecure_session_secret

  ## The value for expiration, inactivity, and remember_me_duration are in seconds or the duration notation format.
  ## See: https://www.authelia.com/c/common#duration-notation-format
  ## All three of these values affect the cookie/session validity period. Longer periods are considered less secure
  ## because a stolen cookie will last longer giving attackers more time to spy or attack.

  ## The time before the cookie expires and the session is destroyed if remember me IS NOT selected.
  expiration: 1h

  ## The inactivity time before the session is reset. If expiration is set to 1h, and this is set to 5m, if the user
  ## does not select the remember me option their session will get destroyed after 1h, or after 5m since the last time
  ## Authelia detected user activity.
  inactivity: 5m

  ## The time before the cookie expires and the session is destroyed if remember me IS selected.
  ## Value of -1 disables remember me.
  remember_me_duration: 1M

  ## Redis Provider
  ## Important: Kubernetes (or HA) users must read https://www.authelia.com/t/statelessness
    port: 6379
    ## Use a unix socket instead
    # host: /var/run/redis/redis.sock

    ## Username used for redis authentication. This is optional and a new feature in redis 6.0.
    # username: authelia

    ## Password can also be set using a secret: https://www.authelia.com/c/secrets
    password: authelia

    ## This is the Redis DB Index https://redis.io/commands/select (sometimes referred to as database number, DB, etc).
    database_index: 0

    ## The maximum number of concurrent active connections to Redis.
    maximum_active_connections: 8

    ## The target number of idle connections to have open ready for work. Useful when opening connections is slow.
    minimum_idle_connections: 0

    ## The Redis TLS configuration. If defined will require a TLS connection to the Redis instance(s).
    # tls:
      ## Server Name for certificate validation (in case you are using the IP or non-FQDN in the host option).
      # server_name: myredis.example.com

      ## Skip verifying the server certificate (to allow a self-signed certificate).
      ## In preference to setting this we strongly recommend you add the public portion of the certificate to the
      ## certificates directory which is defined by the `certificates_directory` option at the top of the config.
      # skip_verify: false

      ## Minimum TLS version for the connection.
      # minimum_version: TLS1.2

    ## The Redis HA configuration options.
    ## This provides specific options to Redis Sentinel, sentinel_name must be defined (Master Name).
    # high_availability:
      ## Sentinel Name / Master Name.
      # sentinel_name: mysentinel

      ## Specific username for Redis Sentinel. The node username and password is configured above.
      # sentinel_username: sentinel_specific_user

      ## Specific password for Redis Sentinel. The node username and password is configured above.
      # sentinel_password: sentinel_specific_pass

      ## The additional nodes to pre-seed the redis provider with (for sentinel).
      ## If the host in the above section is defined, it will be combined with this list to connect to sentinel.
      ## For high availability to be used you must have either defined; the host above or at least one node below.
      # nodes:
      #   - host: sentinel-node1
      #     port: 6379
      #   - host: sentinel-node2
      #     port: 6379

      ## Choose the host with the lowest latency.
      # route_by_latency: false

      ## Choose the host randomly.
      # route_randomly: false

## Regulation Configuration
## This mechanism prevents attackers from brute forcing the first factor. It bans the user if too many attempts are made
## in a short period of time.
  ## The number of failed login attempts before user is banned. Set it to 0 to disable regulation.
  max_retries: 3

  ## The time range during which the user can attempt login before being banned. The user is banned if the
  ## authentication failed 'max_retries' times in a 'find_time' seconds window. Find Time accepts duration notation.
  ## See: https://www.authelia.com/c/common#duration-notation-format
  find_time: 2m

  ## The length of time before a banned user can login again. Ban Time accepts duration notation.
  ## See: https://www.authelia.com/c/common#duration-notation-format
  ban_time: 5m

## Storage Provider Configuration
## The available providers are: `local`, `mysql`, `postgres`. You must use one and only one of these providers.
  ## The encryption key that is used to encrypt sensitive information in the database. Must be a string with a minimum
  ## length of 20. Please see the docs if you configure this with an undesirable key and need to change it.
  # encryption_key: you_must_generate_a_random_string_of_more_than_twenty_chars_and_configure_this

  ## Local (Storage Provider)
  ## This stores the data in a SQLite3 Database.
  ## This is only recommended for lightweight non-stateful installations.
  ## Important: Kubernetes (or HA) users must read https://www.authelia.com/t/statelessness
  # local:
  #   path: /config/db.sqlite3

  ## MySQL / MariaDB (Storage Provider)
    port: 3306
    database: authelia
    username: authelia
    ## Password can also be set using a secret: https://www.authelia.com/c/secrets
    password: mypassword
    timeout: 5s

  ## PostgreSQL (Storage Provider)
  # postgres:
  #   host:
  #   port: 5432
  #   database: authelia
  #   schema: public
  #   username: authelia
  #   ## Password can also be set using a secret: https://www.authelia.com/c/secrets
  #   password: mypassword
  #   timeout: 5s
  #   ssl:
  #     mode: disable
  #     root_certificate: disable
  #     certificate: disable
  #     key: disable

## Notification Provider
## Notifications are sent to users when they require a password reset, a Webauthn registration or a TOTP registration.
## The available providers are: filesystem, smtp. You must use only one of these providers.
  ## You can disable the notifier startup check by setting this to true.
  disable_startup_check: false

  ## File System (Notification Provider)
  ## Important: Kubernetes (or HA) users must read https://www.authelia.com/t/statelessness
  # filesystem:
  #   filename: /config/notification.txt

  ## SMTP (Notification Provider)
  ## Use a SMTP server for sending notifications. Authelia uses the PLAIN or LOGIN methods to authenticate.
  ## [Security] By default Authelia will:
  ##   - force all SMTP connections over TLS including unauthenticated connections
  ##      - use the disable_require_tls boolean value to disable this requirement
  ##        (only works for unauthenticated connections)
  ##   - validate the SMTP server x509 certificate during the TLS handshake against the hosts trusted certificates
  ##     (configure in tls section)
    ## The SMTP host to connect to.

    ## The port to connect to the SMTP host on.
    port: 1025

    ## The connection timeout.
    timeout: 5s

    ## The username used for SMTP authentication.
    username: test

    ## The password used for SMTP authentication.
    ## Can also be set using a secret: https://www.authelia.com/c/secrets
    password: password

    ## The sender is used to is used for the MAIL FROM command and the FROM header.
    ## If this is not defined and the username is an email, we use the username as this value. This can either be just
    ## an email address or the RFC5322 'Name <email address>' format.
    sender: "Authelia <admin@example.com>"

    ## HELO/EHLO Identifier. Some SMTP Servers may reject the default of localhost.
    identifier: localhost

    ## Subject configuration of the emails sent. {title} is replaced by the text from the notifier.
    subject: "[Authelia] {title}"

    ## This address is used during the startup check to verify the email configuration is correct.
    ## It's not important what it is except if your email server only allows local delivery.
    startup_check_address: test@authelia.com

    ## By default we require some form of TLS. This disables this check though is not advised.
    disable_require_tls: false

    ## Disables sending HTML formatted emails.
    disable_html_emails: false

      ## Server Name for certificate validation (in case you are using the IP or non-FQDN in the host option).
      # server_name: smtp.example.com

      ## Skip verifying the server certificate (to allow a self-signed certificate).
      ## In preference to setting this we strongly recommend you add the public portion of the certificate to the
      ## certificates directory which is defined by the `certificates_directory` option at the top of the config.
      skip_verify: false

      ## Minimum TLS version for either StartTLS or SMTPS.
      minimum_version: TLS1.2

## Identity Providers
# identity_providers:

  ## OpenID Connect (Identity Provider)
  ## It's recommended you read the documentation before configuration of this section:
  ## https://www.authelia.com/c/oidc
  # oidc:
    ## The hmac_secret is used to sign OAuth2 tokens (authorization code, access tokens and refresh tokens).
    ## HMAC Secret can also be set using a secret: https://www.authelia.com/c/secrets
    # hmac_secret: this_is_a_secret_abc123abc123abc

    ## The issuer_private_key is used to sign the JWT forged by OpenID Connect.
    ## Issuer Private Key can also be set using a secret: https://www.authelia.com/c/secrets
    # issuer_private_key: |
    #   -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    #   MXIEogIB$AKCAQEAxZVJP3WF//PG2fLQoEC9DtdiFG/+00vqlbVzz47nyxKONIPI
    #   lmL3UdmqpGTKMe/5Brqse4ZAKlQHiDbwzK9ypnfigtHuvh/JO0S7ChP70RC67ed1
    #   HV1nyfz5eW3llbtGJPrlYLqITNgctHp6zmRUFtSzPj9qFvozI93LJi492yL1+vu8
    #   Un3Dm8+Qq6XM2tPdEcldB/dtBwOWoF+8eOOVsu0TDuB5bwlhBVGJuSAuzBPRS2bF
    #   Ga4uk0JDdkDOMCEQxC5uWDFxgfERSMFyfLVWD47woDbuWEBq10c0z+dpWPMp7Ain
    #   YnnkqicwCN88Z0zid6MmMQ65F4+9Hc+qC/p6xwIDAQABAoIBAGlhaAHKor+Su3o/
    #   AXqXTL5/rbYMzbLQiLt0XeJT69jpeqMTroZXHmWvXE3128mqnf0yzw/K2Ko6yxGh
    #   i+j/onya8FqpsVYCCgfsbn2/js1AyRJeIp6Y1ORsYnqbXJnxmkXa80AV/OBPW2/+
    #   60TtSdQrebY3iFPc+i2k+9bPTvpyyDLKlz8UwdZG+k5uyYNIyQTccz+PjwsIvDij
    #   7tKYamhhLN3QXt3/aZTFpjTgezP4WyriZxjWrddHowc47q2rwNS95ND39JcysJAc
    #   0Pcbu8A5lVa7Fx33uOtzDfKWIW7xVEN+OtPgN+FbTjXcXk5IZedl+pW5lU5P++G/
    #   ZPvz+WECgYEA9g6HwdODW3e68bOqsFoKg35+vfUFMzlyMF8HFylNVfnLpTEDr637
    #   owzMFvcUxVd71b+gV5nnnbI+riUFIgyR8vhCjhy4moopDPahC4/KwN4NG6uz+i1h
    #   AB6D5+zn2BjnO/5xMMFGlApWtRNmJVGYlNDj3bXKh2VXzzy03VNeD8kCgYEAzZFL
    #   OlzoRB1HKpTWIECcuvxofMxLOLb3zs0k2t/FYNYIpovmGWCCAULz13y53e5+/+5m
    #   7I9VUZJFaIhaZ36qVBApCKdru69pZMkWCcQO9jELFcx51Ez7OgJWzu7GS1QJCPKC
    #   fEDxI0rZK21j93/Sl/nUnEir7CYpQ+wvCaGuHg8CgYAXgbncfY1+DokwkB6NbHy2
    #   pT4Mfbz6cNGE538w6kQ2I4AeDvmwLentYMqaow478CinegAiflSPTzkHwAemghbr
    #   ZGZPV1UXhn13fJRUG2+eT1hnPVcbXnx223N0k8Bud6qXo65CnyRT/kzcTbcjd5Eh
    #   Hne2daicmMTzynPo9Q72aQKBgBmobO9X8VWvIdbaxO85oVZlctVA2pK1o7CYQmVf
    #   UM+JZ4MCKzI3rYJizPS0iK5+ujNPmmEkcs2/qBIoEsCgOrpLWhPOcc/3UPxXbPzD
    #   D+sCrBOIdhxdj23qJNOnUfDNCGOpgUfpAzAYg4q8GKInvi1h7XukRnEvQi9MJ4LY
    #   P1dZAoGASGcGnTMkmeSXP8ux+dvQJAiJskn/sJIgBZ5uq5GRCeLBUosRSVxM75UK
    #   vAh/c/RBj+pYXVKuPuHGZCQJxsdcRXzXNGouUtgbaYML5Me/Hagt20QzDRBfuGBg
    #   qeZBJaXhjElvw6PUWtg4x+LYRCBpq/bS3LK3ozZrSTukVkKDegw=
    #   -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

    ## The lifespans configure the expiration for these token types.
    # access_token_lifespan: 1h
    # authorize_code_lifespan: 1m
    # id_token_lifespan: 1h
    # refresh_token_lifespan: 90m

    ## Enables additional debug messages.
    # enable_client_debug_messages: false

    ## SECURITY NOTICE: It's not recommended changing this option and values below 8 are strongly discouraged.
    # minimum_parameter_entropy: 8

    ## SECURITY NOTICE: It's not recommended changing this option, and highly discouraged to have it set to 'never'
    ## for security reasons.
    # enforce_pkce: public_clients_only

    ## Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings.
    # cors:
      ## List of endpoints in addition to the metadata endpoints to permit cross-origin requests on.
      # endpoints:
      #    - authorization
      #    - token
      #    - revocation
      #    - introspection
      #    - userinfo

      ## List of allowed origins.
      ## Any origin with https is permitted unless this option is configured or the
      ## allowed_origins_from_client_redirect_uris option is enabled.
      # allowed_origins:
      #   - https://example.com

      ## Automatically adds the origin portion of all redirect URI's on all clients to the list of allowed_origins,
      ## provided they have the scheme http or https and do not have the hostname of localhost.
      # allowed_origins_from_client_redirect_uris: false

    ## Clients is a list of known clients and their configuration.
    # clients:
      # -
        ## The ID is the OpenID Connect ClientID which is used to link an application to a configuration.
        # id: myapp

        ## The description to show to users when they end up on the consent screen. Defaults to the ID above.
        # description: My Application

        ## The client secret is a shared secret between Authelia and the consumer of this client.
        # secret: this_is_a_secret

        ## Sector Identifiers are occasionally used to generate pairwise subject identifiers. In most cases this is not
        ## necessary. Read the documentation for more information.
        ## The subject identifier must be the host component of a URL, which is a domain name with an optional port.
        # sector_identifier: example.com

        ## Sets the client to public. This should typically not be set, please see the documentation for usage.
        # public: false

        ## The policy to require for this client; one_factor or two_factor.
        # authorization_policy: two_factor

        ## By default users cannot remember pre-configured consents. Setting this value to a period of time using a
        ## duration notation will enable users to remember consent for this client. The time configured is the amount
        ## of time the pre-configured consent is valid for granting new authorizations to the user.
        # pre_configured_consent_duration:

        ## Audience this client is allowed to request.
        # audience: []

        ## Scopes this client is allowed to request.
        # scopes:
          # - openid
          # - groups
          # - email
          # - profile

        ## Redirect URI's specifies a list of valid case-sensitive callbacks for this client.
        # redirect_uris:
        # - https://oidc.example.com:8080/oauth2/callback

        ## Grant Types configures which grants this client can obtain.
        ## It's not recommended to define this unless you know what you're doing.
        # grant_types:
          # - refresh_token
          # - authorization_code

        ## Response Types configures which responses this client can be sent.
        ## It's not recommended to define this unless you know what you're doing.
        # response_types:
          # - code

        ## Response Modes configures which response modes this client supports.
        # response_modes:
          # - form_post
          # - query
          # - fragment

        ## The algorithm used to sign userinfo endpoint responses for this client, either none or RS256.
        # userinfo_signing_algorithm: none

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